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How to tailor your SAP CV

16th February 2023


So, you’ve written a top-notch SAP CV for a successful job search? Good work, that’s a great starting point! In a quality job search, though, you’ll be applying for multiple roles, comparing offers and ultimately landing on the perfect fit. This means fitting to different requirements and expectations. Do you think a generic CV can do that? 

The reality is recruiters see hundreds of CVs every day, and they expect to see profiles that match what they’re looking for with ultra-sharp precision. Sometimes you have as little as 6 seconds to capture their attention, so to say that your CV needs to be pitch-perfect is nothing but an understatement.  

Here’s how you can tailor your CV so you stand out from the crowd. 

1. Know the advert inside and out. 

Some professionals just scan the job advert and hit ‘apply’. If you want to come across as a strong applicant, simply skimming through the main bit of the job description won’t cut it. If you want to really stand out, take your time to read the job advert a few times and compare your experience to the job’s requirements. Know exactly what skills, competencies and experience is required for the job. Does your CV highlight them?  

2. Keep only the relevant experience. 

As an experienced SAP professional, you’ve run numerous projects in different industries and companies of varying sizes. When you apply for a new role, it is likely the requirements will only match some parts of your experience. This is the bit recruiters want to see.  

When you tailor your CV, keep only the experience relevant to the job. For example, if you’re applying for an SAP position, only keep SAP-related experience, and only briefly mention other fields you might have worked in in the past, such as administration or finance. A punchy CV that only contains relevant experience will make a stronger impact. 

3. Shuffle your CV around. 

With recruiters spending less time on long CVs, it’s safe to say the first page, and sometimes the first half of the first page is the most important. Use this to your advantage by bringing all your most relevant experience to the forefront so when a recruiter sees your CV, they are hooked from the get-go.  

If you’re applying for an SAP ABAP position, for instance, highlight ‘ABAP’ as the first skill in your Skills List at the top of the first page. Bring your most relevant ABAP experience to the top of your Experience section, even if this was not your most recent job. Often, your most relevant experience is not necessarily your most recent experience, so don’t be afraid to move your CV around to your advantage in showcasing this. 

4. Match the job ad’s keywords. 

Recruitment is going digital, and organisations are increasingly using applicant tracking systems (ATSs) to sift through CVs before they even reach the recruiter. This means your CV needs to be optimised for such search engines so it doesn’t get overlooked.  

You can do this by adding relevant keywords to your CV where necessary. Keywords are essential words that the ATS will pick up. Keywords should ideally be spaced out evenly throughout the CV so your profile doesn’t feel cluttered. Be selective as using too many keywords can work to your disadvantage. 

Here are the most common types of keywords: adjectives (‘diligent, reliable, confident, etc.’); verbs (‘achieved, increased, enhanced, etc.’); industry terms (‘SAP certified, SAP ARIBA, etc.’) and job titles, industries or levels of experience (‘one or two years, SAP Consultant’, etc.). After analysing the job advert, ensure your CV includes keywords the job requires so your CV makes it to the hands of top recruiters.  

5. Consult with a recruitment specialist. 

Sometimes a specialist’s advice is the best way to ensure your CV is ready to be submitted for your dream role. Register with a recruiter and develop a professional relationship with them when looking for your next role. They will often be happy to give you advice on how to tweak your CV to make it pitch perfect for the role they’re working on. 

If you’re looking for a role in SAP or Emerging Tech, get in touch with us for a consultation.   


Visit our blog for more valuable career advice or insights into the SAP industry.  

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